
We are called to pray. Prayer supports all efforts. It should be the basis of action. We should keep in our prayers the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society especially the unborn, children, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, the poor and unemployed, the immigrant and the refugee, and those who suffer from hunger, pain, violence, discrimination, abuse, and neglect. Jesus also calls us to pray for those who persecute and hate.

  • Organize a "prayer chain" (pray and then call another on a list to pray for a particular intention).
  • Write petitions which call for justice and a respect for the dignity and sacredness of human life.
  • Celebrate a Mass with the intention for those in most need.
  • Spiritually adopt someone in need.
  • Pray the Rosary.
  • Pray before every meeting and activity.

The Office for Social Concerns provides resources on prayer with references to Catholic social teaching.